Originally, we thought we'd be pulling out of Tucson around January 1st [1-1-11 - how cool would that have been?].
As it turns out, it's a little more work than we expected to sell everything we own, buy an RV, and get ready for a year of living on the road. Try it sometime - you'll see. ;)
We're now tentatively hoping to leave sometime next week (next week!).
Here's the short list of things we need to knock out before we go:
We'd also like to order Give Every Day t-shirts for our family and get a logo skinned on to our truck, but we may have to do that post-launch. We'll see.
On top of that, we still need to eat, do laundry, take showers, buy groceries, reply to e-mails, play with the girls, etc. Of course, we also want to savor these last days with family/friends.
Think we can do it all?
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I'm sure you can do it. It is a lot of stuff to get done but you seem to be a very organized and "get it done" kind of person.
I love that picture of your girls, well I love most of your pictures but that one is just too perfect.
I KNOW you can do it all! Hope we get to hang out again before you go :)
Same here! It looks like we're going to delay our launch by a week or two...so maybe we can schedule that dinner, after all. :)
You will get it all done. What an adventure you are beginning!
Isn't it amazing how big things always seem to take more time, effort and energy than we originally imagined they would? Regardless you will get it all done, of that I am confident!
I had also planned on a dedicated workspace, but gave it up as our launch got closer. For now laptops and iPhone are working. I do miss my dual 22" screen desktop though...
Even more then the workspace I think I am going (I already do) to miss super fast cable internet speeds. 3g is getting us by but it is 10x slower.
Tell me about it! That is DEFINITELY the thing I miss the most.
Where do you work now? At your dinette? In bed? With your laptop propped up on a recliner? We're still trying to figure out the logistics of all this... :)
We yanked out the dinette and couch - they weren't comfortable for eating and sitting in much less working at.
Here's what we did instead:
The Ikea chairs are where I normally sit, and they're nice because you can slide a laptop bag underneath.
Otherwise I take days and go find local libraries or coffee shops to work at.
I'm sure you'll get it all done. Can't wait to read all about your adventures!
I KNOW you'll get it all done! Good luck - you have a whole lot on your plate!
That is quite a list, but of all people y'all can get it done for sure! Good luck!
OK, that is a huge list of big things to do! Wishing I lived closer so I could come help!
Hey guys. Good luck. I wish I could be your personal assistant at this time. What a list!
We need one right about now. ;)
Sending positive thoughts your way! You guys can do it!!!
Yikes! So much has happened since we last talked. Glad to see that you've got your truck. I know that must have been a huge relief.
It's been a couple of days since you posted this; I'm confident that you two are putting a dent in that to-do list! I'm sad that you'll be pulling out of town soon, but so excited to see the opportunities and experiences that come from this adventure. :)
These pictures are amazing.. I can't wait to see more.
Good luck, and have a wonderful, wonderful time!!