Day #110: Give through Hope International

Day #110: Give through Hope International 1

Yesterday, I helped a friend get a website up and running after he told me how he gives a portion of his income to Hope International to be used for microlending.

Today, Stephanie and I made a small donation to Hope International. The organization focuses on alleviating physical and spiritual poverty through microenterprise development.

HOPE works with people from dozens of countries and offers an alternative to charity. Through microloans, entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries can take pride in knowing that their own hard work has made the difference between poverty and provision.

I am a believer that microfinance is one way people like you and me can make a difference in poverty around the world.

Have you ever made a microloan?

6 comments on “Day #110: Give through Hope International”

  1. We have been doing micro-loans through for almost 2 years... love it! I just helped prepare and start a huge micro-lending project at our church, Pantano Christian, in which the church is using grant money to match $25,000 in micro-loans through Kiva, dollar for dollar - that means we are facilitating $50,000 in micro-loans!!! We provided a list of Christian based Micro Finance Corporations that are Field Partners with Kiva, and I know more than a few are associated with Hope International. It is incredible what they are helping do around the world - and I am excited to be a part in the small way I can be!

    1. Awesome! Way to go with utilizing a grant.

      I love Kiva too. The way they allow the lender to choose a specific individual/project to give to helps the impact of the loan seem more real. Not to mention, re-lending the money when it gets paid back is so much fun.

  2. I have a really good friend who worked in the Congo with Hope. She now does fundraising for them. It's an awesome organization.

  3. We haven't ever done one but I keep running across information online about it and it sounds right up our alley. Thanks for the link (and the reminder). :)

    1. Microloans are so powerful. They allow people in low resourced areas to begin strengthening their own economy.

      In many ways they are more helpful then just charity.

  4. I've been the recipient of a microloan or two from my father and I know they made all the difference in the world for me - I can't imagine how much more of an impact a microloan would be to someone like those that Hope International and Kiva help. This is another thing to stick on my list of things we really need to do, not just "some day" but soon.

Our family spent 2011 traveling the USA in an RV, striving to intentionally "give every day" for the glory of God. We interviewed CEOs of nonprofits and served alongside over 40 organizations and churches.

Our Pledge

We hereby pledge:

- To spend intimate, quantity time with our family.
- To actively help the poor, the sick, the lonely, and the helpless.
- To value, protect, and advocate for children.
- To de-emphasize the importance of “stuff” in our lives.
- To bring publicity to good causes and good people.
- To live with intentionality, as if this year was our very last.
- To observe the needs in our country/community – and then do something about them.
- To give – every day.

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