This afternoon, our family made a list of people to pray for.
Our 4-year-old suggested we pray for "our family," for the "poor," and for the "kids who are sick." Our 2-year-old said we should pray for "babies." She loves babies.
We all took turns praying - for the kids and babies...for some families that we know who are going through hard times...for a little house church that meets in El Paso, TX, and...for our small community of RVer's who live in the park where we are currently staying.
After the two girls went to bed, Stephanie and I made a list of people on our hearts. Then we prayed for them.
Someone tonight even asked me on Facebook to pray for Madagascar where she lives. Apparently, they are being hit by a cyclone.
It is easy to think "giving" has to be strictly physical. Money. Clothes. Hard work. But meeting the needs of those around us is bigger then just the stuff we have to give. God created the people on this earth and He loves them. He knows everything people need...and He wants to have a relationship with them.
There is power in prayer.
Being intentional today about praying for others gave us more compassion for those around us. It caused us to think about others' needs and talk about what we may be able to do about them. Finally, it reminded us that we need to be praying for others even more then we already do.
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I've been thinking about intentional praying so much lately (probably because that's an area God is tugging at me to work on, hmm!) But its so easy to say "I'll pray for you," and nearly everyone does, but I always wonder how often it actually happens once the conversation ends. And I so often forget that praying isn't the least I can do, its absolutely the most powerful thing I can do. Thank you for the wonderful reminder here.
I too have wondered this. I will tell someone "I will pray for you" and before I do anything else I will say a quick prayer, even if it a short Glory Be.
What a great idea to say a quick prayer immediately after saying "I'll pray for you." I bet it would help me remember to pray more later, too.
I am guilty of this as I only pray for my family and loved ones. I hope to now pray for our country and for the hungry, sick and poor. It doesnt hurt and it cost me nothing but my time. You guys are such an inspiration. All the best :)
What a great post inspiring intentionality in this area.
Beautiful picture too:)
What a great reminder about prayers and giving!
My Father-in-Law has a saying - he'll tell someone that he'll pray for them since "they need the prayer and I need the practice" it always makes people smile! But the best part about him is he does pray for you - and "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."