We arrived in Daytona, Florida this afternoon, but before we left the Orlando area we visited the International Headquarters of Campus Crusade For Christ.
CCCI is a worldwide non-profit organization that seeks to help build spiritual movements everywhere so everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus Christ.
I was a little surprised by how many different projects the organization oversees (29 total). They also have over 29,000 full-time staff in 191 countries around the world.
We obviously didn't have time to learn about everything, but we did tour the "Jesus Film."
The film is the story of Jesus, based almost word for word from Luke's carefully recorded account of Jesus' life.
CCCI reports that since 1979, when the film was produced, it has been viewed more than 6 billion times and more than 200 million people have made a decision to follow Jesus as a result of watching the film.
On our tour we were able to see a quick demo of the audio editing. The film has been translated into over 1000 languages. Local men and women in each language group are recorded speaking the film's audio. Then their voices are edited to reflect voice inflection and dramatic pauses - synching both language and video. Before a master copy is made, native speakers scrutinize the film for ways to improve its delivery.
Check out the film for free in just about any language you can think of here. There is even a children's version that has kids narrating and acting in the film.
I just previewed part of the children's version. Our 4-year-old is going to love watching it.
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It is admirable the way that Campus Crusade has spread the story of Jesus' life through the Jesus Film.