Traveling fulltime forces a person to experience an unprecedented amount of change. "Consistent," "regular," and "predictable" are a few words that were absent from our vocabulary this year. We've know an evolving lifestyle that has changed who we are.
Change is a positive thing. It provides new perspective and increased potential, but today we long to once again be settled. To live in the same house, go to the same grocery store, and live near the same neighbors.
All that said, we have decided to sell our rig and move back into our house in Tucson, AZ. Stephanie is 10 weeks pregnant with #3 and we want to be in our house when the baby is born.
Right now we are visiting friends in Camano Island, WA. Our prayer is that we sell the trailer here and then head straight to AZ. Our renters are moving out at the end of this month and we will move back into our house this October. If the RV does not sell before we leave Washington, we will sell it once we get back to Tucson.
If you are interested, we have a 36' 2001 Cameo LXI Carriage with 3 slides.
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