Running is something we used to do often - all four of us together. I would push our double jogger and run next to Stephanie, but lately it has been difficult to make happen. We keep changing campgrounds, jogging-friendly paths are not always easily accessible, and our jogging stroller isn't as much fun for the girls on rocky, uneven terrain.
We have been feeling a bit frustrated about exercise (or lack thereof) so this morning when Stephanie said, "I am going to go for a run" I was encouraged by her initiative. The girls and I ate breakfast as we waited for her return.
Tonight, just after dinner, the thought crossed my mind that I should go on a run too. I ran a few miles alone through the woods, near a huge river. It was exhilarating. I saw deer 3 times (six Whitetail - no antlers) and came back so muddy I had to hose off my shoes.
Both of us feel great tonight. A little exercise makes a huge difference!
Is it just us or do you sometimes find it difficult to actually "go" and exercise?
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